Ground Course
Studying at Masters Flying School will cause a major transformation in the character and confidence of a person. It has been our experience that neophytes who have just started training usually enter the premises with a bowed head and the very naive posture. Very humble and shy indeed!

After finishing Private Pilot Ground Course, the student starts actual flying on the Cessna 150 or Cessna 152 types of aircraft. The initial objective is to fly and learn to fly the aircraft of his choice alone. This is called FIRST SOLO coupled with the ceremony of water dousing and blow-out celebration sponsored by the soloist. As per experience, the trainee develops an aura of aggressiveness, confidence and excitement after soloing and the increase of confidence becomes part of his character and inspires him to get his Private Pilot License the soonest time possible. Another eagle is born and is set conquering the sky.
Private Pilot Ground & Flight Airplane
Private Pilot Ground & Flight Helicopter
Plaridel Airport Flight Training
Plaridel Airport is the major training airfield for pilots closest to Metro Manila. Flight training for new pilots is not allowed in any international airport is the only airport in Bulacan. Civil Aviation Authorithy of the Philippines (CAAP) , the body that is responsible for the operations of this airport provides air control tower with air controllers on duty during operating hours thus providing higher level of safety standard.

The airport was opened in 1935 and was extensively used during World War II, when it was used for training fighter pilots. Today, the airport is still used extensively as a training ground for all types of pilots, The airport is remembered as a historical landmark, one of the few airports in the Philippines designated by ICAO as RPUX Runway orientation is 35 and 17, Runway length is 900 meters and width of 30 meters Coordinates are Latitude 14°53'29.5445"N Longitude 120° 51 11.1410E

Solo Flight Training
Solo-flight is the primary and immediate objective of a new pilot. It is his first flight to fly alone and will validate his ability to qualify as a potential pilot. This flight marks an ecstatic event for the pilot trainee as well as the whole organization for it marks another trophy of accomplishment. Upon alighting from the aircraft at the end of the solo flight, the aspirant is poured with a bucket of water in front of the aircraft which he has soloed. Solo blow-out maybe rendered but not mandatory. Noteably thereafter, the soloist exudes confidence and is welcomed to the elite world of aviators; pursues to be a professional pilot...

Private Pilot License
Next step is to become a Private Pilot License holder which is relatively easy to acquire because a confident person has a quicker learning capability. Minimum of 40 forty hours total flight time with at least twenty hours dual and twenty hours solo flight coupled with a Private Pilot Ground Certificate qualifies the trainee for the CAAP Written Test. Having passed all nine (9) subjects, CAAP Practical Test follows. English Language Proficiency (ELP) of at least Level Four (4) certificate is to be presented for the Private Pilot License to be issued after paying all necessary fees.
Private Pilot Ground & Flight Airplane
Private Pilot Ground & Flight Helicopter

Commercial Pilot License
Acquisition of Commercial Pilot License goes without saying that Commercial Pilot Ground Course and additional minimum flight time of One Hundred and Ten Hours over and above the Private Pilot requirements are to be fulfilled with breakdown of one hundred hours solo minimum and fifty hours dual minimum. Higher horsepower aircraft rating is a requisite. After passing the nine (9) subjects of CAAP Written examination and CAAP Practical checkride; the trainee is issued a Commercial Pilot License.
Commercial Pilot Ground & Flight Airplane
Commercial Pilot Ground & Flight Helicopter

Instrument Rating
Instrument Rating is mandatory for Commercial Pilots as this enables them to fly during poor weather conditions with low visibility as well as for night flight. Instrument ground school plus at least twenty (20) hours of simulator training qualifies the trainee for CAAP Written Exam and thereafter CAAP Practical Exam. Thus, the acquisition of Instrument Rating.
Instrument Rating Course

Multi Engine Course / Twin Engine Rating
Twin Engine Rating is a course for pilots who plan to fly multi engine planes. It includes Equipment Qualification Course (EQC) Ground School and at least ten hours of flight time with a Rated Flight Instructor on the Piper Aztec, a 500HP twin engine that we have. CAAP Written and Practical Test are requisites for acquisition of twin engine rating.